November 4, 2020
Using 3D dental scan to provide a new perspective from which a dentist specialist can work on. We use the latest technology in dentistry: CT dental scan and trios intraoral scanner.
October 29, 2020
Dentists use a 3D dental scan to have a very clear and detailed picture of the position of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways and bone density
August 11, 2020
Usually, dentures are made of a special acrylic. However, nowadays there are very resistant and biocompatible alternative materials for immediate dentures; for example, those used after a procedure such as All on 4. In the past, this process used to be considerably longer as patients had to have analogue impressions taken with […]
July 16, 2020
Have you noticed? Dental technology has come a long way! You know the X-Ray drill (no pun intended), a lead covering is draped over your body while the dental technician slips aside and takes the X-ray, a 2-dimensional rendering. The pictures assist in diagnosing and planning treatment. (1) Over time, 3-D technology […]