March 28, 2020
Dental Implants US vs Mexico

Price Comparison Dental Implants US vs Mexico

In Mexico, the cost of dental work is a minimum of 40 percent less than in the US. Even more savings with more extensive and higher cost procedures.
February 26, 2020
Dental Care in México.

Why is Tijuana Becoming the Hub of Dental Care?

Thousands of patients cross the border to Tijuana annually for both medical and dental care. Well-trained dentists in Tijuana offer clean, safe practices.
December 7, 2018

Bruxism. What does that teeth grinding mean?

What is bruxism? A condition affecting millions of people where there’s grinding or clenching of the teeth. Causes. One of the main causes of bruxism is stress and anxiety. Bruxism causes muscles to tense and this, in turn, causes headaches, back and neck pain, even misaligned teeth can cause bruxism. The most […]
October 5, 2018

Health risks associated with Dental Amalgams and the safer alternative.

There have been plenty of discussions about the risks associated with mercury-based amalgams, however, it’s been proven that it does not pose a risk for the human body except for pregnant, and breastfeeding women or the patient who needs to have one or more amalgams removed, in such cases the dentist needs […]