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What causes tooth sensitivity?


First of all, it is important to note that tooth sensitivity is a problem that affects many people around the world, which is caused most often by eating or drinking something in extreme temperatures, either very hot or too cold or, something that is very sweet or very acidic.

The explanation of why teeth become sensitive is simple. The teeth have a layer called dentin directly surrounding the nerve, which is covered by enamel on the tooth crown and gums surrounding the teeth. Over time, the enamel can go to lean, resulting in less protection, or gums may pull causing exposure of underlying root surface dentin.

The dentin contains many pores ranging from the outside of the tooth to the nerve center. When the dentin is exposed, these pores can be stimulated by temperature changes or with certain foods upset causing tooth sensitivity.

What causes dentin exposure?

Among the major factors are:


  1. Receding gums caused by aging, improper toothbrushing or illness of their own gum (treated with gum graft surgery)
  2. Enamel erosion (and subsequent exposure of the dentine) due to excessive consumption of acidic drinks like carbonated water
  3. Enamel loss caused by poor toothbrushing, it excessively (more than three times a day) or a toothpaste it very abrasive
  4. The grinding of the teeth, which can cause sensitivity in most (if not all) teeth
  5. Exposure of dentin due to a cracked or chipped tooth

Something like a broken tooth or pasting or adnate is one intervened to alleviate an ailment. When this happens, the tooth is no longer as strong as it always had been. This happens because part of their structure was touched, causing it to be sometimes more sensitive than others.

Another possible cause of tooth sensitivity is to perform tooth whitening, but this situation is only temporary.
Food causing tooth sensitivity annoying

What can I do to solve the problem?

The first is to identify the cause of the sensitivity with the help of a professional in the field. If the reason for the sensitivity is the exposure of dentin, the steps include:

  • Use a toothbrush with very soft bristles
  • Using a toothpaste specially formulated to help reduce sensitivity
  • Make brushing properly to help prevent receding gums and enamel abrasion
  • Going to a professional to:
  • Prescribe a toothpaste with high fluoride concentration for daily use
  • Apply fluoride varnish in sensitive areas in order to strengthen the tooth
  • Place a dental restoration to strengthen areas that have lost enamel

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