What are the best dental crowns available in Tijuana?
March 5, 2021
Providing affordable prices for root canals without insurance
April 12, 2021

Find which dental insurance covers root canals in Tijuana

It’s important to find out which dental insurance covers root canals in Tijuana or any other dental surgery. Even if at the moment is not needed, at least know how it could be covered in case of an emergency. Unpredictable events happen when least expected and when it comes to our oral health too, unfortunately. Having wide coverage with your dental insurance plan could be more economical in the long-term.

Acknowledge the need to have the issue taken care of as fast and professionally as possible

An infected untreated root canal will cause more problems than just your affected teeth; it can pass to other teeth, your jawbone, and in worse cases, spread into your bloodstream. Prevention and prompt action are the best solutions; if left alone, it can cause serious medical problems with higher-cost procedures and even put your health at risk.

Besides the actual dental treatment, x-rays and further professional examination are needed. Taking out your tooth is not the only treatment that could stop the issue. On some occasions, it might be the only alternative to stop further pain, discomfort, or bone loss.

Your insurance coverage might not be enough for the high cost of a root canal in the US, but maybe it would be of more help in another country. Consider Medical Tourism as an affordable dental alternative, getting everything done for less stress on your financial budget.

The 5 benefits of medical tourism in Tijuana and how it helps you to use your dental insurance

  • Schedule availability is better and faster because dental offices in Mexico have more working hours than dentists in the U.S.
  • Our dental clinic has an in-house dental laboratory in tijuana to make crowns, veneers, and other prosthetics, streamlining the general process.
  • Dentists in Tijuana also offer 1-5 year warranties for their services, which is longer than their US competitors.
  • Because many dental offices in Tijuana serve patients from the United States and Canada, they have bilingual staff. In this way, optimal communication between patients and dental staff is obtained.
  • Other popular tourist spots in Tijuana, such as hotels, restaurants, and shops, also have English-speaking staff, so communication is not a barrier when visiting your neighboring country and taking advantage of the many products and services Tijuana has to offer.

Dental Alvarez accepts American insurances

Thanks to the benefits that medical tourism brings to our patients, we accept the vast majority of American PPO insurances, ensuring that the financial expenses stay within manageable extends. Having an estimate of the expected payment from your insurance company can give assertiveness and less stress.

By contacting our dental clinic, we can do the verification of your dental benefits that our team can carry out in the following ways:

  • Provide an estimate of the expected payment from your insurance company
  • Manage your dental budget
  • Confirm if you would have to make a payment out of pocket, and then the insurance will reimburse the cost
  • Sale at a better price

Dental treatments in Tijuana can save you a lot of time and money without losing quality with a certified Tijuana dentist

We can offer dental services between 50% to 75% lower in cost than average prices in the United States. Call us today to determine if your dental insurance could help you get the needed root canal treatment, the analysis you deserve, or any other dental issues solved.

Call Us: (619) 734 0233
Message Us: smile@dentalalvarez.com

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