Many foreigners, who through the years have chosen Tijuana to visit the dentist, have many reasons to continue doing it every year.
Dentistry in Tijuana and in Mexico in general, is not only recognized as one of the highest quality in the world, but also the costs of the dental clinics are not as expensive as one might come to think compared to the United States, still the professional results obtained are great; the high volume of visitors and seminars keep the dentist sharp and knowledgeable, making the city one of the best places in the world to perform any type of procedure when it comes to teeth.
In addition to world-class quality and affordable prices, the amount of options to choose from when it comes to dentists in Tijuana, are really great. To give us a clearer view of the above, the Mexican Dental Association (ADM for its acronym in Spanish) has currently over 500 recognized members, counting only those who are located in the central part of Tijuana, i.e., both in downtown as in “Zona Río” which is one of the more luxuries parts of the city.
This, inevitably results in another great benefit: little waiting time. Today more than ever, time is money, and with such amount (and quality) of specialists at your disposal just crossing from U.S. to Mexico, it will be difficult to have to wait a long time for treatment.
Continuing with the advantages of going to the dentist in Tijuana, the fact that it’s a border town is beneficial to California residents, since the crossing to Tijuana is right away, and for other state residents it’s 20 minutes by road from the San Diego International Airport; crossing back it’s a no hassle with the border fast pass, which is a pass that dentist pay in order for their patients to get back to the US in less than 20 minutes.
Moreover, dentists in Tijuana are aware that the proximity to the United States, and the quality and prices offered cause many Americans to seek dental procedures in Mexico, that’s why many dental clinics are bilingual, so the language does not become a barrier to providing good service. Additionally, Tijuana is visited daily by many people in the United States, so you will surely find some compatriot who can guide you if need.