Dental Alvarez

At Dental Alvarez we know that these are difficult times for everyone, we also know that dental conditions do not stop and we want you to know that we are here for you, we continue with rigorous measures dictated by the WHO to safeguard your and our staff’s health over COVID-19.

We continue to attend dental emergencies and conditions on a reduced schedule from

Monday from 9:00AM – 6:00PM
Tuesday – Friday from 9:00AM – 2:00PM
Saturday from 8:00AM a 4:00PM

For your convenience, we have online consultations.

Today more than ever, at Dental Alvarez our passion is your smile.

COVID 19 Relief Program

Dental Alvarez a premier Dental Clinic in Tijuana is with you in this current pandemic and offers support and a 15% discount in all procedures.

*Not valid with other promotions and / or discounts previously authorized or pending balances

Promo Valid Until May 30th.