During your dentist’s appointment, your oral health provider might suggest the application of dental sealants on your posterior teeth as a preventive method to protect your teeth from decay formation; but what are dental sealants, and how can they shield your teeth?
A dental sealant is a tooth-colored layer of resin applied over the occlusal surface of the tooth, where grooves are formed. Due to these grooves, food residues and bacteria can remain trapped in these difficult to clean areas and cause decay formations.
Most cavities occur in the back teeth because of their shape (bumps and valleys), high consumption of sugar, and an inefficient brushing technique. Sealants can be applied in both children and adults, but they are more common in children. Dental Alvarez is the best option for kid’s dentists in Tijuana.
Applying this thin resin will prevent cavities for years since the material is resistant. Dental sealants can last around five years; however, it is important to get a dental evaluation every six months to check if they have worn out and, in that case, to replace them.
It is important for you to know that dental sealants are not only placed to prevent decay in the occlusal surface of your posterior teeth with pronounced grooves, but is an efficient procedure to stop incipient caries from growing. In dentistry, as in any other branch of medicine, prevention is the key to avoid complications and enjoying good health.
Dental sealants are very discreet. The resin used for this procedure is tinted with a tooth-like color, so no one, except your dentist, will be able to notice them. Probably you won’t even be able to tell which molar has it on when you look in the mirror!
Sealants are applied quickly and painlessly. However, your dentist might need to apply local anesthesia to avoid any discomfort. No recovery is needed; you will be able to speak and eat as normal once the procedure is completed.
This is an affordable procedure that will actually save you money in the long run since the probability of developing cavities and their destructive effects remain low, as there is a protective layer covering your teeth and ensuring your oral health.
You can visit our website to check our updated price list and learn more about the treatments we offer.
At Dental Alvarez, we have the best attention, specialists, and equipment to ensure a successful treatment for our patients. Contact us for guidance and book your appointment.
Visit our dental clinic in Tijuana, and let us take care of your oral health!