December 3, 2020

How the latest technology in dentistry provides comfort to patients

Providing the best that is available and the latest technology in dentistry is not only on the equipment we have, it is also about the continual actualization of each dental specialization a dentist has to keep up with.
November 25, 2020

The advantages of using a TRIOS intraoral scanner in our dental practice

The advantages of using a TRIOS intraoral scanner in our dental practice comes when acquiring the measurements, and fewer overall appointments for our patients.
November 11, 2020

What are panoramic dental x-rays and why do dentists take them to their patients?

Panoramic dental x-rays are images that capture a dimensional wide view of a patient's entire mouth, these images do not include a detailed view of mouth tissue or nerves, this does not mean they are not helpful or useful each study gives the dentist the necessary details for certain dental procedures.
November 4, 2020

Using 3D dental scan technology for your dental diagnosis

Using 3D dental scan to provide a new perspective from which a dentist specialist can work on. We use the latest technology in dentistry: CT dental scan and trios intraoral scanner.