POM Temporary Dentures – Dental Alvarez
Polyoxymethylene (POM) Temporary Dentures
August 11, 2020
Using 3D dental scan technology for your dental diagnosis
November 4, 2020

What is a dental CT scan?


What is a dental CT scan?

A Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CT scan) is made by an x-ray arm that rotates around the head, which captures multiple x-ray images and it computerizes them to create 3D cross-sectional images of the jaw,  maxilla, and teeth.

Making it possible to have a very clear and detailed manipulable three-dimensional image of your entire mouth and its component: teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways, and bone levels, such as thickness and density. This is the main reason our dentists in tijuana use a 3D dental scan to provide a treatment plan that will give their patients a long lasting solution with the best esthetic result possible, especially if it’s for implants, sinus lift, and bone graft.

Is it safe or does it have any risks?

The technicians taking the study will guide you through the process and make sure you understand the process and indications before getting started. Dental CBCT scans are low-dose radiation and give x-ray doses much lower than a normal medical CT scan, therefore if not performed frequently, the risk is very low but are not recommendable during pregnancy, if you are or suspect of being pregnant please make sure to inform your dentist.

What will I do in a dental CT scan?what-is-a-ct-scan

  • You will be seated CT scan machine
  • You will be carefully positioned
  • You will be asked to be as still as possible: not to talk, swallow or move the jaw
  • Each scan takes less than a minute
  • Depending on the reason of the examination it could take a bit longer, but no more than 30 minutes
  • You will need to remove glasses, dentures, hearing aids, earrings, tongue and nose buds, necklaces, hair clips and any other metal accessory that might affect the scan.

When is it recommended to do a CT scan?

When a panoramic x-ray, PA films and bitewings are not enough to provide the necessary measures or information for a proper diagnostic. There are some dental procedures that cannot rely on a dimensional image such as the images obtained with the type of x-rays mentioned above. Surgical procedures such as implants, sinus lifts, and bone graft, as well as evaluation for possible internal root or bone fractures require a 3D dental scan.

Any action process comes with a justified reason

Here at Dental Alvarez, we always invest in the latest technology in dentistry in order to guarantee our patients the best results and most comfortable experience. At our practice we believe quality oral health should be accessible for all, which is why our team of specialized dentists in tijuana create a personalized treatment plan and budget for each patient that arrives at our facilities.

Whenever we request a dental study in addition to the traditional, it is because it will provide precise information for our patient’s diagnostic and treatment plan. All our technology is to make it easier for our patients and our dental team of specialists, not to have higher costs. At Dental Alvarez the comfort and safety of our patients comes first; getting the best equipment to achieve our patient´s desired smile is one of our priorities.

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